Government Programs were downloaded to provide free will.

As Catholic Fundamentalists know, The Loving Programmer has downloaded The Creation Program, and all the sub-Programs within it, to give every human free will. 

We see the galaxy programs pinwheeling through space, the fossil programs largely downloaded by The Flood Program, and all the other programs in The Creation Program.  We may then realize that God is so powerful that, no matter where we look, we see that He has written and downloaded these programs so perfectly that the self-willed may use what He has done to show that He is not.

 Truly, God is good and powerful.

He has also provided programs that vain and self-important people can access to boss other human programs around.  These are His Government Programs.  They run the gamut from Government Programs  involving everything from Inherited Royalty to Commissars.  Those programs have one purpose:  to provide free will as to how we’d treat our neighbors.

Government Programs were downloaded to provide us free will in dealing with our neighbors.  Government Programs provide opportunities to lie, steal and kill.  Those who utilize government powers to do so consign themselves to eternal perdition.  From a school board member who gets a comparatively unqualified relative a job to an elected official who encourages  abortion and poverty, Government Programs let people send themselves to Hell.

When we see people growing rich and powerful by stealing from taxpayers, we realize what they’re doing and where they’re going.   His Justice will properly compensate everyone involved. 

It’s not always a good idea to get in the way of The Loving Programmer’s ongoing dispensation of justice to those who use His Governing Programs to abuse their neighbors.  It is always a good idea to think of the Judgment coming to our own programs, and spend our time asking for Mercy.
