Environmental Extremists are the culture of death.

The saddest, sickest thing about environmental extremists is this graphic reality:

The Imaginary Problem of Global Warming, combined with the greed of those in the bio-fuels business, means that food costs more.

That doesn’t bother you and me.  We live in a country with near-automated agriculture and incredibly efficient distribution systems.  While our poor people suffer mostly from obesity, most of the world’s poor people are starving.  Ethanol, bio-diesel, and other crackpot lunacies are turning the food they desperately need into fuel.  Why?  To stop Global Warming.

That drives up the cost of the food that poor people need to live.

Environmental extremists don’t care.  They lie while people die.

Global Warmers believe there should only be a few million humans on the earth.  None of them have left voluntarily.  One thing that can’t be found in the Culture of Death is love of neighbor.  Another thing that can’t be found there is consistency.
