Jesus Christ, now seen as The Creation Program in human form.

Catholic Fundamentalism spends more time on The Loving Programmer than on the other two persons of The Trinity.  Yesterday’s Reading is a great aid in helping us to re-picture Jesus, the Second Person of The Holy Trinity, as The Creation Program.

Catholic Fundamentalism mentally pictures Jesus as The Program.  Jesus Christ, entirety of The Program, took human form and downloaded Himself on earth, through the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother.  He did so to provide continual access to all of the human programs who would freely choose to access and download Truth.

St.  Paul explains it in words from the Iron Age. In our time, we are no longer limited by Iron Age vocabularies that limit our understanding of God.  Now, in our Age of Electron Control, we can see this reading in a new, fuller light:

Reading 1 Heb 1:1-6

“Brothers and sisters:
. . . . . . . in these last days, God spoke to us through the Son,
whom He made heir of all things
and through whom He created the universe,

(“through Whom He created the universe” is seen, in Catholic Fundamentalism, this way:  The Creation Program took form in a human program free from all error, downloaded on earth through The Holy Wireless Connector and The Blessed Mother, the most utterly perfect of all His created programs.)      

Who is the refulgence of His glory,
the very imprint of His Being,

(“the very imprint of His Being”) was the Iron Age way of saying “The Creation Program”.  The otherwise inexplicable phrase makes perfect sense when we realize that The Loving Programmer and The Program are separate, but one.)

and Who sustains all things by His mighty Word.

(His power is so great that He maintains The Creation Program by speaking.)

When He had accomplished purification from sins,

(He provided purification from sins by downloading The Sacraments.  They are access codes that allow human programs to erase their errors and restore their programs.  They were provided to allow all the human programs who would choose to access that means of purifying and restoring their programs to do so.)

He took His seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

(With The Loving Programmer, joined together for ever with each other by The Holy Wireless Connector.)

as far superior to the angels
as the name He has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

(Because He is God, The Second Person Of The Holy Trinity, Creator, not created.)

Jesus Christ, now seen as The Creation Program in human form.  What a glorious breakthrough!  Anyone with computer familiarity may now see and understand God and His Creation more quickly and clearly than at any time in history.  We also see the obviousness of Roman Catholicism His sub-Program that provide the continual downloads by which His Purifying Power continues to erase errors and reprogram sin-damaged structures.

Catholic Fundamentalism sums up everything that precedes it.
