Why is St. Paul one of the God’s Brightest Lights in History? #25

That question leads to Two of the Hardest Questions Ever Asked at the end of this short post.

That question leads to Two of the Hardest Questions Ever Asked at the end of this short post.


Question 1:  “Why is St. Paul one of God’s Brightest Lights in History?”

Answer:  “The Bible is clear in Mt. 7:16; ‘By their fruits you will know them.’  St. Paul’s ‘fruits’ include the billions of Catholic souls descended from those he led into The Church Spoken Into Being by The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope;  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2:  “When we look at the trillions of stars shining in the night sky, do we get an idea of the ‘fruits’ by which we ‘know’ St. Paul’?”

Answer:  “Each of the Catholic souls saved by and descended from the long, hard, dangerous work of St. Paul is a living, shining testimony praising God: Philippians 2:15, ‘among them you shine like stars in the dark world.’


Question 3:  Did Old Testament Prophets recognize that?”

Answer:  “It is as simple as ‘one, two, three’ in Daniel 12:3;  ‘Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the Heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.’


Question 4:  “Many of us have Catholic ancestors who guided their descendants to The Church.  Do they, like St. Paul, ‘shine like bigger stars’ in Heaven?”

Answer:  “There is no end to the rewards God gives Catholics!  The soul of every Catholic descendant lets them shine more brightly!”


Question 5:  “What happens to the souls of those who keep people from being Catholic and getting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer:  Mt. 18:6 makes that clear:  ‘If anyone causes one of these little ones to stray, it would better to be drowned in the sea with a large stone around his neck.’


Question 6:  “How many Catholic souls have been saved in the last 2,000 years?”

Answer:  “One hundred billion people have lived in the past 2,000 years.  About 15% of the people on earth have been Catholic for the past thousand years.


Question 7:  “Many tyrants hate The Catholic Church and Her Teachings.  What happens to the souls of people whom they kept from being Catholic?”

Answer:  “If people of goodwill are not Catholic through no fault of their own, they may be saved.”


Question 8:  “Two hard questions!  Does God have The Power to let the souls of people who would have been born if evil tyrants had not stopped their parents from being child-bearing Catholics and the souls of all their descendants come into being and let them be in Heaven, ‘shining like the stars’?”

Answer:  “Those are questions for Catholic priests who know that God let us have modern telescopes that let us see there are over 200 billion trillion stars in the sky!”


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Every Catholic sees God’s Light.  Every Catholic IS God’s Light.”

