The real reason for child sacrifice and abortion:

The Old Testament has many awful accounts of people “passing their babies through the fire”.  The poor children were condemned to a horrible death in evil ceremonies.  Those places were, for the weak and helpless, hell on earth.

Many in the ancient world practiced child sacrifice.  Phoenicians did so even after they settled Carthage and had an empire that vied with Rome’s.  Over the centuries, millions of babies were “passed through the fire”.

Is there a connection between the slaughter of children thousands of years ago and abortion, today?

Many are fond of saying:  “There are too many people.”  People who say this are comfortable. Some are prosperous.  They do not want people being born who will vote to take their wealth away.  That’s why they say:  “The world would be a better place with fewer people.”

Few of them think that overpopulation is such a problem that they do away with themselves.

As governments become more entrenched, they are beholden to, and controlled by, special interests that must maintain existing cash flows to survive.  If there are more people, more efficient processes must be invented, threatening the old cash flows.

That’s why vested interests use influence, contributions, and lobbyists to keep more efficient products and processes from being utilized.  It’s the only way the non-inventive are able to maintain their incomes.  Arab oil interests, for instance, work to stop cheaper natural gas from being produced in the rest of the world.   As regulations increase, every area of the economy is stifled.

When efficiencies are made illegal, it is impossible for existing production processes to satisfy the needs of a growing population without raising prices.

Once we realize that, we may understand the real reason for abortion and child sacrifice:  When prices increase, taxes become harder to collect.

At the time any government is bribed to use its power to stop newer, more efficient processes, the Culture of Death whispers to political leaders who are desperate to remain in power:  “Babies must be done away with.  It’s the only way.”

In the early days of child sacrifice in Canaan, established governments eliminated population growth by using religious rituals to get rid of unwanted babies, particularly those born to out-of-favor families.   Gruesome ceremonies on hilltops and in oak groves kept populations from increasing.

The killing is no longer done in oak groves or on hilltops.  Abortuaries are placed to conveniently keep welfare recipient populations balanced with the need for reliable votes for the big city political party.

In every age, the sacrificing of born and unborn babies is beloved by corrupt, life-hating governments that balance their books in blood.
