Letter # 5 from a Protestant minister:

Pastor Pitstop professes himself to be very concerned that Catholics “think they’re better”.  His latest letter tells us that we should leave The Church, avoid the massive Mega-Churches, and return to the small, “community” churches.  Like his.

You Catholic Fundamentalism people make me sick to my stomach.  You can’t have “Fundamentalism” in your name.  Only Protestants can be “fundamentalists”.  You Catholics think you’re better just because your Church is real old.  Well, I have an old car, and it needs a lot of fixing!

You Catholics needs a lot of fixing, too.  First of all, you think you’re better than other people.  You won’t take Communion in any of our churches.  You won’t let us take communion in your Church.  That’s because you think you’re better.

That’s unAmerican.  In this country, everyone is equal.  If we say our communion is as good as yours, you have no right to say it isn’t.  The Catholic Church is unAmerican!

And, when you say that your Communion is better than ours, you hurt our feelings.  It’s wrong to do anything that would hurt anyone’s feelings.  It’s not Christian.  Communion should be available to everyone.

Communion in our church is just as good as yours.

And, I am just as good as any Catholic priest.  Oh, I know.  I’ve been married.  And, divorced.  Twice.  But, I’m just as good as some Catholic priest who’s celibate.  And, I use birth control to save the planet.  Catholics think that is wrong.  It’s just one more way they think they’re better.

Catholics think that being celibate is better, too.  Some Catholic told me, “Jesus was celibate, and our priests want to be as much like Jesus as possible.  So, our priests are celibate.”

Who do your priests think they are, trying to be “like Jesus”?  Why can’t they be like everybody else?  Really, that’s just one more reason why people don’t like Catholics.

They should only try to be a little bit like Jesus, the way we do.  I have lots of friends who are ministers.  Do you know what we do?  We go around saying “Do you know the Lord?” and “Have you been born again.  Have you?  Have you, really?”  That’s what religion should be.

Catholics don’t do that.  They think their religion is better.  That’s wrong.  That’s a crime against equality.

Yours, for equality,

Pastor Travis Pitstop

Pastor Pitstop, unfortunately, thinks that it is better to believe that all religions are equal.   He concludes that equality is better than a hierarchical point of view.  Therefore, “equality cannot be equal”, since it is thought by the Pastor Pitstops of the world to be superior to systems that contain inequality.

Carrying around burdens of self-contradiction cripples minds and destroys souls.   Believers of such false doctrines remind us of what Jesus said:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”

