The problem Protestants sweep under the rug.

Politeness, or fear of being politically incorrect, causes many to sweep religious topics under the rug.  “Two things we should never discuss are religion and politics.” many believe.

There are religious concerns that cause great worry to a handful of Protestants.  One Protestant problem is so huge that it’s practically invisible.  Only the most sincerely Pro-Life Protestants will let themselves even think about it.

“Our clergy are almost always married.”, they say.  “How do we know that our clergypersons are not using birth control chemicals, pills, and devices that cause the death of the tiniest of babies?  I, as a Protestant who is Pro-Life, may be facilitating the destruction of unborn children.”

The question grows in profundity.  How can clergypersons who refuse to take Vows of Obedience and Chastity guarantee their congregations that they are not using the money they contribute to participate in life-destroying practices?

Most ignore the question.  “It’s none of your (our) business.”  But, the more persistently Pro-Lifers realize that “the fish rots from the head down”.

Does the use of birth control among the Protestant clergypersons violate other Scriptural taboos, like God’s order “Do not spill your seed upon the ground.”?  After all, every Mainline Denomination prohibited artificial control for the first few centuries.  They started to “allow” it in the 1930s.  Is that why they, and the society they influence, are dying?

Something is afoot that is worse than seed-spilling.  Advances in medical science have proven conclusively that many artificial birth control chemicals and devices work by killing the smallest of unborn children.

Can any Protestant know that his or her contributions to their church are not being used to purchase  devices and chemicals that bring death to the smallest and most innocent of their clergyperson’s children?  Do clergypersons tell others to avoid such death-dealing devices and chemicals?  Or, by their silence, are millions more of the tiniest Protestant babies being destroyed, right in their own congregations?

“What is a sincerely  Pro-Life Protestant to do?” ask those truly worried about the deaths that are both inflicted and ignored, right under their noses.

An obvious answer, “Just become a Catholic.” is too politically incorrect for all but the most Pro-Life to seriously consider.  It is, however, the only answer.

