Is Isaiah telling us to be Catholics?

Today’s Reading is from Isaiah 4: 2-6.  Many read this, and other passages, of the Prophet and see that he is telling us, in our age, to become Catholics.  Is that possible?  Is Isaiah telling us to be Catholics?

On that day,
The branch of the LORD will be luster and glory, (That’s us Catholics, part of His Body)
and the fruit of the earth will be honor and splendor
for the survivors of Israel. (They are Catholics who resisted pseudo-Christian schisms that support death-dealing birth control and abortion)
He who remains in Zion (Remains faithful to The Catholic Church)
and he who is left in Jerusalem (Staying in the Catholic Church, despite temptations to follow schisms)
Will be called holy:
every one marked down for life in Jerusalem.  (We are saved by being practicing Catholics)
When the LORD washes away
the filth of the daughters of Zion, (He destroys various schisms that ignored the death of innocents whether by artificial birth control or abortion)
And purges Jerusalem’s blood from her midst (Those pretending to be “Christians” while participating in the deaths)
with a blast of searing judgment, (Sending the death-dealing schismatics to their fate)
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over the whole site of Mount Zion
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A smoking cloud by day
and a light of flaming fire by night.
For over all (Those who remained faithful Catholics), the LORD’s glory will be shelter and protection:
shade from the parching heat of day,
refuge and cover from storm and rain.  (Those faithful to His Holy, Catholic Church on earth will be with Him in Heaven).

It is difficult, if not impossible, to see how anyone in a denomination that tolerates artificial birth control chemicals and devices that kill unborn children, both among the clergy and people, could be included in those described as “saved” by Isaiah.   When we let ourselves think about the culture of death, we cannot help but see that it includes all those who ignore such widespread attacks on the most helpless and innocent of our neighbors.

The awareness of this is a key part of The New Evangelization.  We must be brave enough to tell the truth.

Most Protestants do not want to see where they stand on such issues.  It is not always pleasant, but it is necessary, to let them know that they are not measuring up to the standards that Isaiah recognized 2,700 years ago.  Those supporting death, even of the tiniest babies, are cursed.  Is it possible for us to save our own souls if we fear to tell such truth to others?

Would a rational believer take the risk of remaining in a pro-death denomination?


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