The Deluded are Worse Than Not Bright. They’re too Vain to Think Well.

It’s very tempting to look at those who were led to believe that Global Warming was a serious problem and dismiss them as simple fools. That temptation is magnified when we see that many of the same people, a few years earlier, believed that Global Freezing was a “serious problem, and getting worse”. The conclusion that such people are among the dimmest of wits is almost impossible to avoid when we understand that they believed in the Ozone Hole, the Dioxin Problem, Alar in the apples, the dangers of shrinking bio-diversity, organic food, nitrogen fertilizers, non-nitrogen fertilizers, DDT, and every other fruitcake bit of nonsense they were told was “of vital importance”.

To be sure, a lack of intellectual ability is indicated by being easily fooled by endlessly specious evidence put forth by the same professional liars, over and over and over. But, there’s something deeper than dumbness at work. Most of these people do not believe in God. Chesterton’s statement, “The man who believes in nothing believes everything.” is endlessly proven by the frequency with which the gullible are gulled.

Their sappy credulity exists, and goes before them like a flourish of trumpets, but not always or often because they’re merely dumb. Their lack of insight is the unavoidable consequence of being too vain to humble themselves before God. He punishes them by letting them make complete and utter fools of themselves every hour of every day of their lives by embracing one stupendous foolishness after another, and then bragging about how intelligent such hopeless silliness proves them to be.

I must confess. I (and probably you) do enjoy watching them embrace one ridiculous belief after another. Listening to an endless parade of arrogant fools criticizing others for not being as publicly, repeatedly, and totally hornswoggled (“enlightened”, in their world) as they are does provide a degree of enjoyment that’s impossible to obtain any other way.
