Most Have an Easier Time Giving Up Belief in Santa Claus

Most Have an Easier Time Giving Up Belief in Santa Claus

than getting over the idea that their government wants to help people. There is this bit of lunacy in all of us that keeps us from seeing that those who say they want to help us will cheerfully hurt us to help themselves.

Hurting people is in every area of public “service”. We see educational systems that, despite vast floods of money, continue to educate children poorly. Those in the environmental rackets will cheerfully destroy the jobs of millions in order to “help the environment of tomorrow.” Every regulator and regulation has, as its raison d’etre, the increased jobs and salaries of its own department.

Someone has to pay, and that someone is us. We will not get the lush salaries, benefits, and pensions. But, we will have to pay for them, no matter how poor we are made in the process. Increasing the numbers of those whose gains are backed up with legislation and the firearms of the various policing departments makes us progressively poorer.

Still, we believe. Still, we tell ourselves, “Things will be better, this time.”, repeating the lies that the left repeats to all.

Believing their lies is telling lies to ourselves Lying to ourselves is what we do to justify our lack of courage. Most would rather be poor than fight for our rights. It is, therefore, inevitable that we grow poorer and less free.
