Our Movements are Limited.

We can only move in two directions. At any given point in time, we are either moving nearer to, or farther from, God. As we learn more, it’s difficult to avoid concluding that those who’ve chosen to distance themselves from God are in a state of progressively greater error that reflects the distance from Him that they’ve moved. Leftists, to give one example, are near-universal in their shunning of God. And, it is a universal truth that when their thoughts crystallize into plans and programs, they failure. None of them work. Nada. Zip. Nothing.

That universal truth is accompanied by another. Those whose plans are invariably doomed to failure will tell the same lies as their plan goes through its inevitable stages: “This plan will work.” Then, “The plan will work if it has a little more money.” That’s soon followed by: “We still need more money, but progress is being made.” As time goes on, the only people believing in the plan are those getting money from it. If such funding is great enough, it can go on for years, during which time the rest of the world sees it as the fraud it is.

Finally, of course, the plan will collapse. The most successful plans will hang on until the underlying funding mechanism (the body politic) has bled to death. No matter when it dies, it is followed by the coup d’ grace lie: “The plan would have worked, but people were too selfish to support it.”

The souls involved in such frauds meet the same end. That’s why it’s so important to keep moving toward God, rather than away from Him into the error that leads to every kind of collapse.
