More on One Trillion, Two Hundred Seventeen Billion, Five Hundred Million

That huge number is taken from yesterday’s column and indicates the vast separation of believers by the degree of belief they have in God’s power. Most Catholic Fundamentalists believe that God is so powerful that He wrote and downloaded the immense Creation Program in six days. Those who believe least in God’s programming power think it took Him 20 billion years, or seven trillion, three hundred and five billion days, to create the universe. So, the Catholic Fundamentalist thinks God is one trillion, two hundred and seventeen billion, five hundred million times more powerful than does the less believing believer.

We may think of this vast number as “the believer spread”. It includes those who believe, and may, therefore, be saved. On a bell curve that portrayed all the souls (figuring half will be saved) , the very center of it would be one trillion, two hundred seventeen billion, five hundred million units (years) high, with those believing that number represented God’s power being arrayed to the immediate right of the central axis. Moving toward the right, we would see the more faithful progressively appear, until we got near the end of the bell curve, where the Catholic Fundamentalists live, just before we reach the truly saintly souls in the right-hand corner of the bell curve. On a math scale, it would be a positive number indicating greater faith as one moves to the right and more greatly appreciates God’s power.

One may project the same relationship into the ranks of the lost souls on the left side of the same bell curve. The simplest of the accursed believe that the universe is one trillion, two hundred seventeen billion, five hundred million years old, and think it appeared without any divine assistance. Because they do not believe, they may not be saved.

Those on the far left side of the All-souls Bell Curve are the damndest of the damned. They know full well that The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded the Creation Program in six days. They hate and resent Him so much for being so much better than they are that all they can do is try to destroy as many souls as possible.

One way they do so is to distance believers from The Programmer by convincing them that He is so weak and helpless that it took Him, if He exists at all, 1,217,500,000 times longer to create the universe than it actually did. The clear implication is that any God that weak is unable to punish disobedient souls enough to really matter. “So,”, they tell those they lead into sin, “you may sin with impunity. There’s really nothing He can do about it.”

Not the safest bet.
