Each living body, and each political body, is composed of tumors and healthy organs.

We can see that every living body has organs and organisms to defend itself. Therefore, those involved in the defense of the body politic, like the white blood cells in our own bodies, may be considered useful. Their usefulness may be judged by their effectiveness. A squad of soldiers fighting a modern war with flintlock rifles would not be useful. That same group, armed with modern missiles, would provide an effective deterrent.

Each of our own bodies requires energy. In a body politic, those who provide the cheapest, cleanest energy are useful components. Those who interfere with that are tumor-types.

Our bodies require food, water, and elimination of both. Those who supply calories and liquids to the body politic, and those who get rid of waste, provide a useful service. The tumor-types do whatever they can to disrupt or complicate those process so that they may grow by attaching themselves to the necessary processes.

Warm-blooded bodies have to move around. In the body politic, those who facilitate the easy movement of people, goods, and services provide a valuable service. The tumor-types tend to want to slow down, tax, or excessively regulate easy transfers of people, goods, energy, information, and materials within a body politic.

Those who live must learn about the world in which they live. In a body-politic, those who teach provide a valuable service. The tumor-types among them do not want people to learn enough to take care of themselves. They use the educational process to keep others in the body politic from learning much about anything.

In a body politic, those who want to conserve, protect, and defend the political body in which they live tend to be conservatives. As their name implies, they want to “conserve” the body that provides them with many useful things.

That same political body also has tumor-types living within it. They want to grow by gratifying their own egos and bank accounts. They give no thought to the ultimate fate of that greater organism that gives them sustenance. Ultimately, their self-centeredness is what makes people and groups into tumors.
