The sons of Ishmael and women.

Women don’t have a very happy life with the sons of Ishmael. Not only are they rarely allowed to vote, they aren’t allowed to do much of anything. A recent video showed a woman being publicly whipped. No one knew quite what her crime was, but it involved being seen with a man to whom she was not married.

This criminalizing of trivia forces every woman living in an Ishmaelite country to be in perpetual fear. Each must always worry if the slightest action will result in punishment or death. This fear makes each woman susceptible to blackmail.

In many Ishmaelite countries, it is the painful custom to remove the clitorises of young girls. This is done in a special ceremony, ostensibly for reasons of “cleanliness”. It actually removes a part of each woman mistreated, and reduces her to being less of a woman than God intended her to be.

Ishmaelite countries allow a man to have many wives. Rich men have many. Each wife worries about being replaced with a newer, younger, prettier, richer model. That fear keeps them from doing anything but be obsequious. If the Ishmaelite husband wants to get rid of a wife, he has but to say “I divorce you.” three times, and the “marriage” is over. That doesn’t exactly fill women with courage or self-confidence. Their fears have grown because of the internet. Recently, a son of Ishmael divorced his wife with an e-mail.

In the Ishmaelite countries, women are slightly better off than slaves, but not much.
