Lies are viruses. Viruses destroy.

Catholic Fundamentalists see God as the Unprogrammed Programmer. He programmed particles, organized them into systems and beings, and used them to provide all vast and wonderful processes and structures necessary for us to have free will. Separating us from that knowledge are lies created by the virus. We see them, nad their underlying mentality when our computers are attacked by viruses, causing them to crash.

Lies, like computer viruses, also cause systems to crash. The disruptive tendencies of The Virus find welcome homes in destructive human beings. They download viruses of all sorts to cause every possible working system to collapse.

First, those who want to destroy operating systems must create the destructive spiritual viruses that do their ongoing work of system destruction. Then, they must download those viruses into as many other systems that they can. The section of The Program, for instance, of Monogamous Marriage is attacked endlessly by dozens of viruses that tempt people to download them and replace the Monogamous Marriage program with more destructive alternatives.

The efficient program of a nuclear power plant, or any kind of productive facility, is attacked by viruses that seek to destroy it and profit thereby. Many leftist unions., for instance, duplicate the work that destructive environmentalists do to wreck productive systems.

The two types of destruction above represent the two types of viruses. Some, like striking unions, attack directly, disrupting the organized flow of men and materials that they hate. The environmentalist kind of destroyers often launch their attacks indirectly. They do not attack the nuclear plant, itself, but attack, instead, the idea that cheap, clean electric power is a good thing.
