
When we pray, Catholic Fundamentalists understand that we sending a request to The Unprogrammed Programmer, asking Him to provide special programming assistance for us. For instance, a farmer may ask for programming assistance to save his crops from drought. That’s a simple, forthright prayer. In most years, such programming requests are answered. But, when were they answered?

Once, Mother Theresa had a patient who required a rare, expensive medication. She asked God to provide it. A few minutes later, an aide, carrying a basket of donated medicines from a hospital in the United States passed by. The particular medicine Mother Theresa asked for was on the top of the basket. The medicine was either “programmed in place”, or her prayer had been answered months previously, when the medicine was donated, packed, shipped, unpacked, and distributed with the end design being that it appeared in answer to her immediately preceding prayer.

We may assume that The Unprogrammed Programmer knows what we’ll be praying for in the future. Therefore, He already knew what we’d be praying for today, and has programmed them into His various supporting programs.

If we are using software from Microsoft, we may ask a programmer at the company for help in programming. Such requests may go to a “help desk”, which is hopefully manned by someone with the skill and desire to help us. We do not call Bill Gates directly.

Each of us has a “help desk” in the form of our guardian angel. Many of our desires, especially those that involve obtaining programmed entities, are not particularly worthy, but some are still granted so that we can learn how transient such things are programmed to be, and from that, move into higher concerns.
