
Catholic Fundamentalists believe that most Caucasians alive today are descended from the Ten Northern Tribes. They were deported from their Israeli lands around 720 B.C., and were settled in the North. From there, they migrated, mostly West and North, spreading throughout Europe, somewhat more slowly than they extended their sway across North America in two or three centuries.

The Norman Invasion cemented their hold on the outlying portions of the Continent they had long held. Under the umbrella of The Church, all Europe was ruled by the descendants of the old Tribal nobles. At one time, Caucasia included Europe, Turkey, Central Asia (as far as China), Northern India, the Americas, the West Indies, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Africa/Rhodesia, Kenya, Russia, The Philippines, the Caucasus (of course!) from which they’d originally emerged, and various other countries for differing lengths of time.

Caucasia continued to expand even after the apostates among it left the umbrella of The Church. That’s when countries like North America, Australia, and New Zealand were added. But, after abandoning their umbrella, they began to be washed away. Now, every country in Caucasia is threatened. As their leaders flee from God and His Operating Instructions about the necessity to love Him and their neighbors, their countries move closer to collapse, and their inhabitants are increasingly threatened with slavery and extinction.

This process of collapse measures our increasing distance from He Who programmed us. Though we were long the children of His most beloved people, our apostasy increasingly separates us from Him. The murder, rape, and looting of South Africa’s Caucasian inhabitants is being duplicated in Britain, and we can feel the tremors of collapse threatening the structure of the U.S. branch of Caucasia. Not one leftist raises a voice in concern of what will happen, inevitably, to them in this process.

We may pray that The Programmer will not do as He did before, allowing our nations to crumble and our people to be destroyed. Reconciliation and repentance is far, far better than the retribution that our embrace and toleration of death deserves. To be effective, this reconciliation and repentance must take place beneath the ancient umbrella.
