Can government be fixed?

Can government be fixed? When we think of improving our government, we do well to reflect on Jeremiah 51;9 “We tried to cure Babylon; she has got no better.”

If the powers of Heaven can’t cure a government as small and tiny as Babylon’s, who are we to believe that we can “cure” our vastly larger governments of ills?

We must remember that governments emerge from necessity. As groups get larger, they must protect themselves from destroyers, both within and without. When hundreds of millions of people are competing for goods, services, and the opportunities to profit by supplying them, some governing bodies are are widely believed to be necessary.

Soon, those who supply goods and services are attacked by those who may not supply them as well, but who are able to politically influence who buys what and from whom. Bribes begin to replace quality and price as societies become more Babylonian. Soon, the very destroyers from whom the government once protected its people become the government. After nations are sufficiently Babyonified, they are destroyed as God’s retribution falls upon them.

We have little better to do than to beg The Programmer to provide the programming assistance necessary to avoid the coming of that awful, and deserved, retribution even as we plea for mercy for not having fought hard enough for truth and life.
