How’s the Global Warming lie doing?

How’s the Global Warming lie doing? Every day, the lie gets harder to maintain. The monthly temperatures for October are in:

Looks like the 3rd coldest October ever. Making it worse, the “climate warriors” don’t want to consider the fact that most of their temperature measuring stations are sited on airport runways, sewage treatment plants, and other places with higher than normal temperatures where they give artificially high readings. If we factor that in, October may have not been the third coldest, but the coldest, in recorded temperature history.

Even as the temperatures have been dropping, levels of the dreaded boogeyman, carbon dioxide, has been increasing, even as temperatures continue to plummet. So, the actual temperatures indicate that there are two lies being told, one about carbon dioxide increases causing to temperatures going up; the other, that there is “dangerous, man-made Global Warming”.

Dante describes such interlocking falsehoods as “compound lies”. The souls of those who tell them are automatically consigned to the lower circles of Hades, where the punishments are more painful. It’s important for our own spiritual development to avoid snickering at the awful eternity faced by shills and pseudo-scientists who have chosen faddy falsehoods over the truth they claim to value, automatically putting themselves among the tellers of “compound lies”. We should, instead, pray that God, The Loving Programmer, will sent His angelic programming assistants into their minds, reprogramming them to love truth more than money and/or fame.

But, their souls cannot be saved unless they decide to ask for salvation. So, we should start at the beginning, not by asking the saints to intervene to change their minds, but to lead them to ask The Loving Programmer for the strength to renounce falsehoods. We can do that every time we see the poor things on TV, hear them on the radio, or read their silly writings. “Dear God, please send an angel with the power to help this person understand why he should renounce lying right into their minds.”

It’s much more productive to ask God to let them be better than to call them the names that describe what they are.
