De-constructors versus Replacers

“De-constructing” is widely used as a basis for the philosophy of the left. It involves taking things apart. Those who do the heavy thinking for the less intellectual haters on the left, like Marx, Sartre, and Alinsky, are always in favor of replacing existing structures with ones under their control.

Leftist de-constructors prefer communes to families, open marriages to actual marriage, homosexuality to heterosexuality, cooperatives to businesses, and government to the private sector. Their lives are focused on destroying existing structures. As we see with every leftist administration in history, they are not intelligent enough to replace any previous system with anything better, though both pretences, that they are intelligent and have been successful, are maintained with great efforts. Their greatest appeal is to those who are angry about not being genuine intellectuals. They are driven by their vanity to pretend that “We’re just as good as them smart people.”, and concoct endless reasons as to why that is so.

The still-prosperous remnants of Christianity are also under attack by Moslem aggressors. They want more than mere de-constructing. They are Replacers, who want to eliminate and replace every family and political structure with those that most strictly follow the dictates of their own beliefs.

Some have compared them and the leftists to the right and left hands of the Devil, pummeling away at love, truth, and freedom. There is never complete unity between the deep hatred that drives the two groups. In some cases, leftist tyrants will fight Moslem aggressors, whose increasing unpopularity with free women and homosexuals has automatically swung votes against them in the remaining democracies. In other cases, Moslem aggressors will wage war on leftist tyrants.

Regardless of occasional internecine battles among the two largest groups of Church-haters, their general practice is to help each other destroy the remaining deposits of Catholicism and wealth in Europe and the Americas. Moslem aggressors and leftist tyrants are untied in their desire to remove all that keep them from the confiscation of wealth and freedom in the countries they target. They also keep a wary eye on each other, knowing that the battle between them is just beginning.

The difference between Moslem aggressors and leftist tyrants is that the former know exactly what they want to have replacing existing structures. They want to replace monogamy with polygamy, education with ignorance, democracy with theocracy, justice with power, and freedom with slavery. At the same time, they want to enact laws that will exterminate homosexuals, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and all who follow operating systems that differ from their own. Leftists are handicapped in providing the replacement structures. Each one of them knows that every regime they have installed has failed. So, both of them know their union is temporary.

As Christians are increasingly reduced in power and wealth, which intentionally devaluating dollars are causing to evaporate with unprecedented speed, the Moslems and leftists will increasingly have to fight each other. The chances are that the Moslems will win. Their hate is old, focused, and has seemed undying since the days that Genesis records “Ishmael set himself against his brothers.” Leftists, though more intelligent, lack the discipline and drive to mount sustained, centuries-long attacks. They simply don’t hate as much as the hard-core of the Moslem aggressors. In boxing terms, the left is the Devil’s “weak left”, while the others represent his “hard right”.

We see in England, which Vladimir Putin currently and correctly describes as “An Islamic police state”, that the Moslems gain more power over the left each day. The left is too weak-willed to fight back, and can only fund themselves by accelerating their attacks on the native English people. Many leftists who’ve taken money to destroy their own country still think they will be able to take their money and run. They are not bright enough to ask “Where?” and find that there is no answer.

There’s always the chance that a leader will emerge who can unite peoples to stand against the left and the Moslems, but bribes have corrupted Western democracies so thoroughly as to make that nearly impossible.
