
The Global Warming lies are crumbling quickly. Recently, world-wide temperatures have fallen to record cold levels. That, directly related to reduced solar output, has exposed the fraud behind Global Warming. In the past two months, years and years of cherished “Global Warming” have disappeared.

Temperatures will stay low for years to come. The heat stored in the Pacific Ocean has dropped. That heat, the emission of which caused the warmer weather of the el nino a decade ago, is largely depleted. Even when (if) the next solar cycle starts soon, and, over the next half-decade, warms things, much of that heat will sink into the vast Pacific. When that heat emerges, so will the next round of Global Warming lies.

In the meantime, we should take advantage of the plunging temperatures to tell as many as we can about how dumb the Imaginary Problem people actually are, in general, and how dumb the Global Warmers are, in particular. To be fair, they may not be dumb. They may be professional liars, twisting every occurrence into a profit opportunity.

To be totally fair, the large majority of those who think Global Warming is a man-made problem may not be dumb and may not be professional liars. They may be Emotionally Handicapped.

There is a mind set that actually likes, and is attracted to, problems that can be blamed on other people. Those with this Emotional Handicap are especially fond of blaming rich people, or white people, or the universally hated “developers”, or any successful people for anything that happens. This particular type of Emotionally Handicapped person is quick to blame an endless list of things like junk food, second-hand smoke, air pollution, mercury, dirty water, etc. for every bad thing that happens.

When presented with facts, like “Junk food provides a balanced, calorie-rich diet that’s better for people than organic vegetables.”, you can almost see their blood boil. The same reaction may be obtained when explaining that second-hand smoke causes absolutely no discernable health problems; or that air pollution is largely gone; or that mercury is in the politically correct light bulbs they’re so proud of themselves for buying; or that there’s just not much dirty water left; many of them become visibly upset. Often, they get angry.

Telling them that the problems they have grown to cherish are not real problems is like kicking the crutch out from under a crippled person. Just as the physically crippled person is angered when his prop is taken away, so do the Emotionally Handicapped react when the problems whose importance have become an important part of their personality are shown to be empty frauds.

Saying to them “Boy, are you stupid!” is not the best approach to take when the monsters of their beloved fairy tales are shown not to exist. Better to say, “It’s too bad those liars in big government made so many good and decent people look so foolish by getting them to believe a lot of lies about Global Warming.”

That way, the Emotionally Handicapped , while not able to get rid of their need to hate something, can at least focus focus their beloved fears and hates on something that’s actually fearful and hateful.

It’s a start.
