God loves Jacob. He hates Esau.

Romans, 9:13 is clear.  “As it is written:  Jacob I have loved; but Esau I have hated .”  God is free to love and to hate whom he pleases.

There’s a recent post on Dienekes Anthropology Blog that’s related to this:

“Christian and Muslim Lebanese do differ from each other after all  was posted on Thursday, March 27, 2008.
“The team analysed the Y chromosomes of 926 Lebanese males and found that patterns of male genetic variation in Lebanon fell more along religious lines than along geographical lines.
A genetic signature on the male chromosome called WES1, which is usually only found in European populations, was found among the Lebanese men included in the study.

“It seems to have come in from Europe and is found mostly in the Christian population,” said Dr Spencer Wells, director of the Genographic Project.

“This is odd because typically we don’t see this sort of stratification by religion when we are looking at the relative proportions of these lineages – and particularly immigration events.”

He told BBC News: “Looking at the same data set, we saw a similar enrichment of lineages coming in from the Arabian Peninsula in the Muslim population which we didn’t see [as often] in the Christian population.”

Lebanese Muslim men were found to have high frequencies of a Y chromosome grouping known as J1. This is typical of populations originating from the Arabian Peninsula, who were involved in the Muslim expansion.”

Few people in the world have been as faithful to God under such horrifying tyranny as the Christians of Lebanon.  So, we can assume that there are few people He has loved as much.  As the report indicates, the sons of Esau are genetically different from the sons of Jacob.

One wonders why, in a mere fifty years, the sons of Esau have become so rich and so powerful if God hates them.

One explanation is that we, the sons of Jacob (Most Europeans are descended from the ten northern tribes, all of whom descend from Jacob, which is why the Lebanese Christians have DNA similar to Europeans.  They just stayed put while our ancestors moved West.), have become poorer as the sons of Esau have become richer is because God has turned His face from us.  We know from the First Programming Log (Old Testament) that, more than anything, He hates for His chosen people to worship idols.

Too many of us have begun to do just that.  Our governments are ruled by those who have exchanged their souls for material possessions, high salaries, pensions, and benefits.

It does little good for us to complain about the choices our leaders make.  We elected them, and are, therefore, held responsible for the evil that they do.  Remember, our ancestors all wanted democracy, so we cannot avoid our responsibility for the actions of our oft-depraved leaders any more than we can avoid being held accountable for the original sin we inherited from Adam and Eve.

We have not demanded that our officials turn their faces back to the God Who loves us.  Instead, many of us have begun to lust after idols, ourselves.

Not smart.  Today, as happened yesterday and will happen tomorrow, thousands more of Esau’s children will move into territories that God had given to the Sons of Jacob.  That’s how angry He is with us for allowing abortion, euthanasia, birth control, and all the other results of exchanging God for the worship of idols.

We can but plead with Him to be patient, and not to visit upon us the wrath we so richly deserve.  We can each begin to make a difference by turning to Him in prayer and sorrow for our collective sins.
