
Energy from earlier lies is often used to support current lies. An example: During the “Second-hand Smoke Lies”, that were popular a few years ago, a great deal was made of supposed health damage caused by nearby smokers.

There was, of course, no discernable damage to the health of those who spent time near smokers. But, many were irritated by the smoke, and eagerly embraced the false science that condemned it. And, the nannies among us, ever anxious to promote Salvation by Legislation, quickly jumped onto the “Stop Smoking Bandwagon”. Today, the rights to smoke have been curtailed, even for those who aren’t bothered by it.

The same people who could see the fraud in the “Second-hand Smoke Lies” are also able to see through the Global Warming Lies. Those who believe in the Global Warming Lies often criticize those who expose those lies by saying, “You can’t trust him, he didn’t believe in the Second-hand Smoke Lies, either.”

It’s interesting that those who embrace the many, many frauds launched among us will “trust” those who have embraced prior frauds. They will mistrust those who debunk frauds, and call them insulting names, like “insensitive” and “hired guns for big ____”

Thus, each old lie snowballs, giving mass and momentum to the latest and greatest lie, which will, in turn, provide additional support for the lies which will follow that as surely as the night the day.
