America, like Rome, was built by people who could solve problems. It, like Rome, will be destroyed by new generations of people who prefer that no problem be solved.
In the economy of the left, money flows to those most concerned about “important problems that must be solved”. The more problems, the more funding. Just as tumors grow in the body, crowding out its ability to survive, so leftists invade and multiply, all in the name of “fairness” or “saving the ______.” All the while, no real problem is allowed to be solved.
If non-productive beings are allowed to multiply and grow, they will destroy the body, whether human or politic, from which they have taken ever-greater amounts of resources and wasted them. Solution-haters and problem-lovers in politics destroy the body in which they live because that’s what they want to do. The tiny beings that cause tumors and disease do so because that is their nature.