Sun and wind.

Last year, we were told hundreds of times to “Expect more hurricanes than ever!”  Not only did breathless reporters tell us there would be more hurricanes, but also, that “Hurricanes will be stronger than ever!”.  This year, we were told the same things.  Here’s an interesting graph from who passes it along from Ryan Maue, :

It’s almost too easy to see the how closely hurricane activity tracks solar output for the last few years.  Both last year and this year had minimal amounts of hurricane activity.  Both 2007 and 2008 are in a period of unusually low solar activity, marking the end of solar cycle 23.

There may be an inverse relationship between less solar energy hitting the earth and the number of alarmist weather lies told about hurricanes.

When we consider how blatant their lies are, we begin to understand that much of what we are told about anything is also based on similar lies and exaggerations.  Every single thing reported about every single issue by “news professionals” should not be considered to be any more accurate than the last two years of “Hurricane Alarms”.

Once we understand how much the celebrated “news professionals” lie, we can become angry with them for lying to us, or we can make fun of them for being so obviously incompetent, or we can see that they suffer from a huge spiritual problem that, if uncorrected, will destroy their souls.

It’s better that they be prayed for than be mocked and maligned.  Making fun of them is like making fun of a crippled person.
