Eliminating competition.

In the early 1900s, Russia was poised to become one of the world’s richest nations. It stretched across half the world. The Trans-Siberian Railroad allowed European settlers to begin developing the endless riches of Siberia. Russia was about to become the Eurasian version of the United States.

Those dependent on established cash flows in Western Europe were worried. “Russia has a very efficient government, run by a Czar instead of politicians and bureaucrats whom we can control. They will build factories on the other side of the Urals. Our industries will have to compete with their low-cost, modern facilities the same way we now have to compete with products from the United States. Their farms will produce food inexpensively. Their new railroad will flood our cities with grain, destroying our own agricultural base.”

So, Lenin was smuggled into Russia, along with as much money as he needed to cause a revolution. He would keep Russia from damaging European economic and political interests. Russia, as planned by Western European states, was destroyed so thoroughly that it still hasn’t recovered.

Later, the same thing happened on a smaller scale. Forty years after Lenin began the destruction of Russia, American interests in Florida were threatened. They knew that opening up Cuba and its coastline for American-owned properties would undercut the Florida property values, the taxation of which gave them endless raises. Just as Lenin replaced the Czar, so Castro was sent to replace Batista. Once again, as planned, a plague of death and poverty turned the threat of Cuba into a disaster area.

Many understand how desperate those addicted to the things of creation can be. They will kill, enslave, and destroy hundreds of millions of their neighbors to keep their “things”. Many do not understand. Understanding is one of the things that divides sheep from goats.
