First, vampires. Then, cannibals.

“Bal” in cannibal is the name of the deity beloved by Babylonians from the hanging gardens to his modern followers.

Today, most cannibalism is economic. Those with the power to devour their neighbors’ property and money do so. To see how dangerous modern cannibals are, we have but to look to Cuba. There, a prosperous, Catholic country has been raped and pillaged by Babylonians. A few years ago, they called themselves “Communist”, or “Progressive”. Today, they think of themselves as “Environmentalists”. They endlessly try to replicate the tower their spiritual ancestors built in the plains of Shinar.

In our own country, many make a living by confiscating and devouring their neighbors’ money. They take most of it for themselves, and use the rest of it to hire similarly motivated souls to “help” get more money.

Money, to Catholic Fundamentalists, is a society’s version of blood. It’s purpose is to carry energy to the various parts of the body politic. When allowed to flow freely, both blood and money will get where they need to be. When there are unnecessary restrictions or waste, human and political bodies are damaged.

Money that is wasted is like blood that has spilled. Enough loss automatically weakens the body. Continued loss causes death.

Most elected officials in a democracy’s dying days will allow death to come before they will stop wasting money.

Speaking of wasting money,

The “greenhouse effect” is a wondrous lie woven into the fabric of a far greater one. We’ve all seen and heard about it, lots of times. “Carbon dioxide makes the earth like a greenhouse, getting warmer and warmer as the sun shines. It’s like your parked car getting hot on a sunny day. We are about to be baked alive. You do understand that, don’t you?”

Certain amounts of carbon dioxide are necessary for plant life. We are slightly above that, now. These levels make little difference in “global warming”. Actually, increased levels of carbon dioxide make little difference in temperature.

Examining the lie shows us a lot about lying. First, they make a true statement, then add lots of half-truths to it, ending up with a glorious fraud. A great lie, like “Global Warming” will generate endless funding for those who support it.
