Sensory deprivation.

The blind are not able to take wavelengths of light into their brains in a meaningful way. Blindness is caused by damage to eye, optic nerve, or parts of the brain, itself.

Those who are color-blind are not able to distinguish between colors, generally blues and greens.

Some of us have trouble hearing. The problem can be in one of many places from the ear to the brain. Ditto with tasting, smelling, and feeling.

The most dangerous form of blindness is spiritual. That sort of blindness keeps people from sensing The Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector. Spirits are usually kept beyond direct human awareness. And, within all of us, evil spirits work to keep us from seeing how real they are because sensing their reality may lead us to seeing how real God is.

“Faith is the evidence of things unseen.” gives us a clue to sensing spirits. Those most beloved by The Programmer “step out on faith” to believe in the reality of spirits. As time goes on, prayers are answered, and The Programmer’s spiritual reality becomes more obvious.

Those who spend a lot of time in prayer and fasting become more sensitive to the reality of spirits. While all of us are haunted by destructive thoughts and desires, those who bring themselves closer to God often seen the spiritual beings behind such things.

Alternatively, those same people are often able to directly sense God, His Angels, and His Saints. We can read the biographies of such holy people, and from them learn that we, ourselves, are not living lives that are as fulfilling as they might be.

We live among the spirits as fish do among water molecules. They are unaware both that they are in the water and that, if they are not careful, they will swallow bait in which a barbed hook has been hidden by an unseen enemy.

Belloc, a Catholic writer in the early part of the 1900s summed up spiritual reality in a line: “We are being watched by great and awful faces from beyond, and on those faces there are no smiles.”
