
Homosexuals have few children, but always seem to be about 1-2% of most populations. Liberals have fewer children than conservatives, but there are always more liberals than liberals’ children.

So, where do they come from?

Those who do not reproduce themselves must rely on recruitment. To that end, recruiters are always on the prowl. They are of intellectual, spiritual, and sexual variety.

When children go to school, liberals ensure they are immersed in a cesspool of sin, corruption, and confusion that begins with the earliest “non-judgmental sex-ed classes”. Later, “higher education” facilities have “orientation” courses that glorify sexual activities of all kinds. Impressionable children are affected by such courses. Many go off the rails.

Many parents are too busy, trusting, lazy, or distant to understand the onslaught their children will face. “It’s all part of growing up.”, some say, hoping to be telling the truth but, actually hiding from it.

Once children can be recruited into sexual activity, their self-esteem suffers. So does their overall health. Soon, many feel they “need” one or more of the many government programs that purport to “help” the lost, confused, and bewildered. Once they can be made to feel dependant, they are easy prey for fear-mongering demagogues.

Those who recruit people into sin always want them to disrespect themselves, their neighbors, and their neighbors’ property.
