Golden Calves.

All those in the culture of death spend a lot of time producing and worshipping Golden Calves. The most dangerous Golden Calves are not calves, made out of gold. They are destructive ideas. “Global warming” is a typical golden calf. It’s imaginary, believable, and profitable, the three requisites for a successful Golden Calf.

“Second-hand smoke” is another Golden Calf. There are no actual health risks associated with it, but it’s a wonderful excuse for taxing and regulating. So is the Golden Calf made of cholesterol.

“Salt intake” is a perennial Golden Calf. It’s one of the smaller golden calves, but it’s perennially popular.

“Environmentalism” is such a huge Golden Calf it’s actually a “Golden Cow”. The “Pure Water”, “Clean Air”, and “Temperature Permanence” Golden Calves suckle at her swollen udder.

“Fairness” is another Golden Calf. It’s twin, “Equality”, walks solemnly with it. Hand in hand, they have been false idols in the Culture of Death since they were first worshipped by jealous Cain.
