Watching the “news”.

The “news” is a fascinating parade of drivel and distractions. Once we see that, it becomes enjoyable

“Who benefits?” is the question that intelligent viewers ask during each “news” story. After one practices doing that, it’s apparent that there’s very little “news” about those who steal the largest amounts from taxpayers.

There’s always “news” about tragic deaths on the roads. Usually, such stories are barely disguised attempts to justify more funding and increasingly punitive fines. “No cell phones while driving” is a great revenue enhancer for cash-strapped state and local governments.

There’s always lots of “news” about teacher strikes. There’s never any “news” about how much money could be saved with a competitive educational system. “Vouchers could cut your property taxes in half.” is true, but never makes the “news”.

There’s always lots of “news” about pollution. There’s never any “news” about how much cleaner the air and water is now than it was ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty years ago.

Each “news” show features telegenic readers whose only requirement is to have the intellectual ability to accompany each reading with the proper facial expressions. It’s fun to watch for that. The more accomplished “news” readers have a repertoire of more than a dozen frowns, smirks, hearty chuckles, and brow-wrinkling to help show viewers how they should be reacting to each reading.

There’s never “news” about people who want to reduce taxes. And, there’s never any news about how empty, shallow, and self-serving “news” shows are.
