There are few things as complicated as the Catholic Church. Simplifying helps.

As we explore the concept that “God can program in three dimensions”, and understand that He programmed Angels to act as sub-programmers, the history recorded in the Bible, if it does not become more believable, does become less unbelievable.

That may help a few people overcome their reactions to “religion”. The anti-religious groups are growing in numbers and power. And, it’s understandable how so many people could be moved toward hostility towards religion in general and Christianity in particular.

All our lives, we’ve heard religion attacked at every level. Intellectuals think Christianity is a “primitive superstition”. Materialists think Christianity “gets in the way”. The lustful think that “Christianity keeps us from fulfilling ourselves.” Historians, blind to Mao, Stalin, and abortuaries, insist that “Christianity has caused more murders than any other power on earth.”

Such beliefs are becoming more and more of a requirement for high-paying jobs, particularly in the tax-supported agencies. As a result, we have to focus on making what we can out of comparative, and increasing, poverty.

Believers are routinely denied employment in many areas. We will have to either compromise our beliefs, or learn to do with less. The lessons of the Saints are instructive. They saw how liberating poverty was.

They were right.
