“Thou shalt not bear false witness”

“Thou shalt not bear false witness”. Lost souls make a living by bearing false witness. They are the reason that God wants the news media to exist. They very publicly show us some of the people who are trading their souls for wealth and power.

Except for the occasional emergency, the evening news is a wonderful parade of well-rehearsed prevaricators who seek funding as they pretend to solve imaginary problems.

One of their biggest collections of lies purport to be concerned with the environment. Such lies magnify or invent purely imaginary problems like global warming, ozone holes, and carbon dioxide. The solutions for such problems involve higher fees and taxes, some of which filter to the very speaker to pay for the soul he has sold.

Other groups of lies are told about imaginary dangers to a society and its people. They include fuel shortages, lack of funds for education, smoking, cholesterol, diet, exercise, and drugs. Each spokesman offers a cure that makes their group more money.

Since every human activity has a downside, they replace every joy with worry, each happiness with brooding, and cheer is burned away by bitterness. The lost souls have to live with their self-inflicted unhappiness. Worse, they know that everything they say is a lie about a lie.

The emptiness of knowing that one’s life is a blatant fraud makes such a person angry with himself. That anger makes them want to destroy everything that is true or good.

No wonder they’re so bitter. It’s hard to love them, but what else can we do?

It’s no surprise to Catholic Fundamentalists that they hate The Church that preaches love and truth more than anything in creation.
