Stop complaining.

Lots of people complain. Babylonians complain because people get in the way of taxing, corrupting, controlling and killing. Those being taxed, corrupted, controlled, and killed complain about what the Babylonians are doing to them.

The complaining never stops. Every form of media is a voice for some group of complainers.

Catholic Fundamentalists realize that complaining is futile. We understand that The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded The Creation Program to give us free will. He did so to separate sheep from goats.

So, we conclude that the best advice is: Stop complaining. What should we do, instead?

He made things clear. We are supposed to love God and our neighbor. He set up One Church in which we could choose to worship Him. The closer we get to Him, the better we understand that our primary duty is to believe and obey. We do that best in The Only Church He Founded.

Complaining gets in the way. Stop complaining. Think about The Only Church He Founded. Encourage people to consider that to be the way He wants them to approach Him.

Then, there will be more praying and less complaining. He, at our increasingly urgent requests, will make the world safer from Babylon.
