The Holy Molecule Theory

We are indebted to a Facebook reader of Catholic Fundamentalism who said she had been “excommunicated” by The Church for remarrying without an annulment of a previous marriage.

That reminded me of how I “received” Catholic Communion while technically unable to do so because of a marriage irregularity that had not surfaced when I became a Catholic.

When a new priest became aware of my spouse’s very brief previous marriage, he explained: “You will not be able to receive Communion, or go to Confession, until your spouse’s earlier marriage is annulled. You should continue to come to Mass each week, and you may come forward for a blessing, but should not receive Communion.”

So, I continued going to Mass each week. Then, what became The Holy Molecule Theory came to me. “The priest is Consecrating the wine. He is ‘Transubstantiating’ it into The Blood of Christ. The molecules are evaporating. People are drinking the wine and breathing. Every time they exhale, more Consecrated Molecules in the wine are coming into the atmosphere. If I breathe deeply through my mouth and swallow, I am receiving His Body and Blood! And, the priest told me to be here! Wow!”

Suddenly, I didn’t mind so much not taking Communion because I was taking Communion. I had to be more careful than usual to avoid sin, because there was no similar way to go to Confession, except Confession by Desire, but I was taking Communion, by what would become The Holy Molecule Theory.

Twenty years later, The Holy Molecule Theory appeared to be a solution that would help others who might not have realized that they could, by mouth-breathing and swallowing after The Consecration, actually receive His Body and Blood. They could be closer to Christ and His Church.

How many Holy Molecules are available in The Holy Molecule Theory? In just one teaspoon of water, there are 167,300,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules. Surely, there must at least a quarter or an eighth or a sixteenth of a teaspoon of Jesus’ Holy Blood evaporated into the atmosphere between the Chalice and the exhalations of the Communicants blessed by receiving it’s Holy Contents.

One more thought, which may seem ridiculous at first: Transubstantiation may simply be one or two of the rotating sub-atomic particles in one of the atoms of the complicated wine molecules that either changes vibration speed or spins in a different direction that causes the actual Transubstantiation to occur. Creation may be that close to the Creator. Programmed entities may be that near to The Loving Programmer. But, they must be invisible so that people are not forced to believe by scientific proof of Transubstantiation.

As always, readers’ thoughts on this amazingly overlooked process are both needed and appreciated.
