Follow the Prophet’s instructions.

The Church Jesus Founded predicted that approving birth control and divorce would lead to abortion. That is exactly what happened. Many of the schisms learned to attract Catholics by saying “There is nothing wrong with artificial birth control. It is another sign of a loving relationship.” Many were led astray by such appeals to personal vanity.

Many joined various schisms because of divorce and remarriage. “The Church can’t tell mewhat to do!” they were encouraged to believe. Instead of worshiping our own vanity, we should do as we ought. Follow the Prophet’s instructions.

These sins opened the door to abortion. As we became inured to death, other problems metastasized throughout society. As we have separated ourselves from God, He has turned His Face from us.

This process was described by Daniel 3:25, 34-43. Azariah stood up in the fire and prayed aloud: “For your name’s sake, O Lord, do not deliver us up forever, or make void your covenant. Do not take away your mercy from us, for the sake of Abraham, your beloved, Isaac your servant, and Israel your holy one, To whom you promised to multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven, or the sand on the shore of the sea.
For we are reduced, O Lord, beyond any other nation, brought low everywhere in the world this day because of our sins.”

God has turned from us. We have been divided by 43,000 vain men. Each insists “My ladder to Heaven is best.” Those who call themselves “Christian” are confused and milling about, trying to worship One God but distracted from The Only Church He Founded. That is why:
We have in our day no prince, prophet, or leader, no burnt offering, sacrifice, oblation, or incense, no place to offer first fruits, to find favor with you.
If we could stifle our vanity, we could put aside the more human interests of being with friends and families. We could return to The Only Church Jesus Founded. There, marriage is a sacred contract. Children are to be loved, not avoided or sacrificed on Babylon’s altars of convenience. What should we do? Follow the Prophet’s instructions.
But with contrite heart and humble spirit let us be received; As though it were burnt offerings of rams and bullocks, or thousands of fat lambs, So let our sacrifice be in your presence today as we follow you unreservedly; for those who trust in you cannot be put to shame. And now we follow you with our whole heart, we fear you and we pray to you. Do not let us be put to shame, but deal with us in your kindness and great mercy. Deliver us by your wonders, and bring glory to your name, O Lord.”
We should choose to do what is rightest. Follow the Prophet’s instructions. Return to The Only Church Jesus Founded.
