Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars

When the doors of Catholic Churches open after Mass, there is an invisible miracle. Rivers of Holy Molecules flow out into the world. As people leave the Church, each is brought closer to God by having received His Body and Blood. As we go through the Holy Stream, we are enlivened by the flood of Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars from the molecules of wine changed into Holy Molecules of His Blood.

It is a blessing for all of us to be there. Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars are also brightening the souls of all.

The flood of Holy Molecules elevates all who are touched by its Divine contents. Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars dissipate through humanity, Guardian angels snap them up, and use their ever-lasting energy to help their holy work of saving the souls of their assignees.

Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars spread throughout neighborhoods, towns, and cities. Every human on earth has been lightened by the tiny sparks of Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars that have been spreading from every Catholic Mass. From the beginning, they brought life from the homes and catacombs of The Early Church and gave it to the world .

When churches were built, Masses generated countless quadrillions of Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars that have spread Holy Molecules throughout the world. They have gone from person to person since The First Mass at The Last Supper.

Breathe deeply, and let our guardian angels put more of that Holy Food to work within us. Holy Molecules; tiny, tiny stars do not disappear, but are used to do God’s work on earth forever.
