St. John cries “Be Catholic!” 5

Once more, Jesus’ most beloved Disciple gives us his clear instructions. Again, St. John cries “Be Catholic!”

This passage gives us a perfect example of the “unspoken ALL”. The “unspoken ALL” is heard and heeded by those who will be saved. The “unspoken ALL” separates the saved from the lost. There is a lesson we should share about the “unspoken ALL” that accompanies Jesus’ instructions.

In John 8:12, St. John gives us Jesus’ instructions on how to save our souls: “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.”

This passage provides a prime example of the “unspoken ALL”. St. John does not quote Jesus as having said “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows SOME of what I say will have the light of life.” The clear meaning of “whoever follows me” is that we are to follow ALL that Jesus instructs us to do. That is the “unspoken ALL” that separates the saved from the lost.

When we insert the vital, “unspoken ALL” into the passage we see what the saints see: “. . . .whoever follows (ALL of my instructions) will have the light of life.”
We are not to pick and choose which of Jesus’ orders we follow, like some ego-maniacal Protestant inventing a new schism. We are to heed the “unspoken ALL”, and follow all of His instructions.

Jesus gives us many orders. The saved will strive to follow all of them. John 6: 53 gives one of His instructions. “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
Those who seek to follow, rather than avoid that clear command, know they must strive to do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion. The truly obedient know there is no other way on earth to obey His very clear order. The “unspoken ALL” makes it clear.

Do not be so vain as to pick and choose which of Jesus’ orders to follow. Heed the “unspoken ALL”. Obey all that He says. Those who do not are lost.

Each of the Protestant denominations is a crystallization of the degree of separation of self from The Only Church Jesus Founded. Each shows how close to “ALL’ of Jesus’ instructions are obeyed. Therein lies the eternal fate of those who choose to ignore the “unspoken ALL” that winnows wheat from chaff.

That is why St. John cries “Be Catholic!”
