Why is this terrorism happening?

On 9/11, Moslem terrorists killed thousands of Americans. Yesterday, a Moslem gunman killed four Marines in the middle of America. Abroad, Europe is increasing dominated by waves of similar invaders.

Every nation has the strength to stop them. None do so. In every Western nation, politicians purposely fail to protect their own people. They allow more hate-filled invaders, bent on death and destruction, to pour through porous borders every day. Why is this terrorism happening?

Persian gold corrupted and paralyzed the early Greek democracies. Today, huge, hidden campaign contributions put people in power who will destroy their own nations for personal gain. The effects of campaign contributions on corrupt political figures, networks, magazines, and newspapers is magnified because Christians are too confused by 43,000 competing Protestant schisms to unite.

The fact: Protestant schisms keep Christians from uniting to defend themselves. In all history, only The Catholic Church has been able to stop Moslem invasion. Now, with Christians divided into an insane 43,000 competing factions, we are where the devil wants us. We are defenseless and divided by the self-serving babble of a million Pastors Bob.

Believers ask, even as they support conflicting Christian congregations: “Has God abandoned us? Has He turned His Face?” St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews 13: 8-10: “Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday and as He will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines; . . .”
Since God is the same through the ages, we know why He has turned His Face from us.

The Books of Kings and Chronicles in The Old Testament tell us the great truth: When His people allowed children to be sacrificed on the altars of Baal, God turned His Face from them. He would allow their enemies to invade and successfully despoil the land and His disobedient people.

But, when His people were obedient to Him, and would not allow children to be sacrificed, God saved them from their enemies.

Today, as every day, Western nations will allow between five and ten thousand unborn children to be sacrificed by abortionists upon the altars of convenience.

Why is this terrorism happening? God has turned His Face from us because He always punishes those who allow child sacrifice. Until Pro-Life people become Catholics, we cannot stop abortion. Until we stop abortion, God will punish us.

That is why God has turned His face. That is why He lets nations that allow abortion to be overrun with invaders. The only way to keep from being destroyed by sin?

All who understand must become obedient Catholics.
