Protestantism met the Indians


One of the most successful Public Relations Programs in history is the Protestant Establishment’s magical transformation of mass-murderers into saintly settlers. What happened when Protestantism met the Indians?

When the Pilgrims, a small schism of super self-righteous Protestants, left England, there was joy. “Glad they’re gone! Boring know-it-alls! Good riddance!”

First, they went to Holland. The Dutch didn’t want them. “Pilgrims are so self-righteous they make us sick! Let’s rent ’em a boat. Get ’em outta here!”

Shunned by intelligent Europeans, Pilgrims came to America. “Duh!” concluded one of the brighter Pilgrims during Thanksgiving Dinner, “We have guns. Indians don’t. We can shoot them and steal their land.”

“We have guns. Indians don’t. We can shoot them and steal their land.” turned into America’s “Protestant Theology”. “It’s not just all right to kill Indians and steal their land. It’s our Christian duty.” became as accepted among American Protestantism as hating The Catholic Church.

The two legs upon which America’s Protestant Establishment stood for centuries were “It’s all right to kill Indians and steal their land.” and “The Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon and Jesus hates it!”

Protestant Imperialists spent the next couple of dozen decades killing Indians and stealing their land. Many attended churches. Generations of Pastor Bobs told them: “Americans are a special type of Christian. We have a duty to love some of our neighbors and kill the rest.” Among hundreds, then thousands, of denominations, that was the only shared belief.

In Maine, Protestants stole land from the Penobscots. Wyandotes lost their lands in Massachusetts. The Seneca holdings in New York were stolen. Quakers took Pennsylvania from the Iroquois. In every village, town, and tent, Pastor Bobs pounded from the pulpits: “It’s our Christian duty to get rid of these heathen savages.”

A fascinating historical detail:

Later, In the 1830s, Georgia tried to evict its Indians. Protestant clergy from New England, where hundreds of tribes had already been exterminated, united in saying “Georgia is wrong to make the Cherokees move West.” They did not think so to the point of giving their own land back to the surviving Indians from whom they’d stolen it.

Their new, and very temporary, concern for the rights of Indians was merely a way for the Northeastern banking establishment to get back at Andrew Jackson for getting rid of the National Bank they no longer controlled. Selective Protestant outrage was hired for the first, but not last, time as a Public Relations weapon by special interests!

For centuries, Protestantism’s Marketers/historians have kept us from awareness of the endless slaughters and thefts. We say “Happy Thanksgiving!” and raise children as we were raised, with pictures and pageants of Indians and Pilgrims in perfect harmony. It is one of the most successful frauds in history!

Protestantism’s historians never remind us that where Spanish and Portuguese Catholics settled, there are many, many Indians. Over 85% of the people still have Indian DNA. Here, in areas settled by Protestant Imperialists, almost every trace of their hundreds of thousands of tiny villages and fields has been obliterated.

Is there a lesson? Protestantism invents theological excuses to justify killing for profit. Yesterday, Indians. Today, unborn babies. Now, all who call themselves “Christian” are being exterminated by the most hate-filled Protestants of all.

If all Pro-Life people who understood became Catholic, we would have the political influence to stop the killing.
