The Imaginary Problem Factory.

Since the days they built The Tower, Babylon maintained power by keeping people frightened, worried, and reliant on the powers of the state to keep them safe.

In our age, The Imaginary Problem Factory invents, spreads and justifies lies through spokespeople with the moral and intellectual standards of “stars”. They include the Justin Beibers, Whoopi Goldbergs, Paul Krugmans and others who work for The Imaginary Problem Factory. They tell us of Imaginary Problems and preferred solutions through Babylon’s network of radio, newspapers, magazines, TV, and movies.

In every nation, The Imaginary Problem Factory is allied with The Reassurance Department. Every Imaginary Problem contains reassuring promise that “government agencies are working to solve this dire problem, even as we speak.”

People can be worried about an Imaginary Problem and heartened by The Reassurance Department in the space of a thirty second news story. The Imaginary Problem Factory and The Reassurance Department fill every news show, panel discussion, and group of pundits. Carefully scripted to mimic spontaneous conversation, such blather has a profound effect on Babylon’s simpler souls. “I agree with Paul!”, “I agree with Whoopi!” “I trust anyone who is on TV because they look so, well, ‘trustworthy’!”

When we see or read about, for instance, someone of the caliber of Justin Beiber proclaiming the need to “stop gun violence”, smarter people understand that his agent has been told by someone in The Imaginary Problem factory to make that announcement. In the unlikely event that Justin is too busy, or disagrees, his agent is told, “Listen, we can search our files, find a thousand Justin Beibers in a week, and your boy will instantaneously become one of those “Whatever happened to _____?” that we have mentioned every so often just to keep our pseudo-talented nitwits in line.”

Justin obediently, immediately, and sincerely says “We need to stop gun violence!” Some pundits nod wisely and agree appropriately, providing the necessary input from The Reassurance Department.

The Imaginary Problem Factory releases that through its usual distribution channels, and simple, credulous people, unaware that The Imaginary Problem Factory even exists, let alone thinks that Justin Beiber could be working there, think “Yes, we do need to stop gun violence.”

Many people recognize the fraud and ask “How can I get some of that money for me!?” Talent scouts look for those who fit The Imaginary Problem Factory’s latest needs. They are chosen from the vast throngs of those who are dying to be rich and famous.

Others are smart enough to not only see the fraud, but also, are moral enough to be disgusted by it. They quickly find that, in all the earth, the only organization able to withstand the lies and temptations of The Imaginary Problem Factory is The Only Church Jesus Founded, The Roman Catholic Church.

Over time, every other group and schism on earth has given in to Babylon.
