Thank you, Smarty Marty!

The Church’s frequent failure to defend is the great mystery of the ages.   Communist saboteurs were the “New Judas”.  They infiltrated their agents into the security agencies of many nations and into the priesthood.  Once established, hundreds of well-placed agents brought in more overt destroyers, predators and pedophiles, through some seminaries they influenced.

They hurt many thousands of children and The Church.  And, using smokescreens of psychological counseling and medication, they convinced many that “the problem was solved”, knowing that it was only growing worse.

The Church dealt with the problem without speaking of its cause or publicly disputing with its attackers.  Now, the molesters are nearly all gone.

It is the Catholic pattern not to wage wars against its attackers.  Five hundred years ago, the printing press was invented.  Suddenly, vile, vain and venal men could reach multitudes that, before, could only be assembled in Catholic Churches to hear The Word of God and the homilies of Catholic priests.

With the printing press, every evil attack could be blasted into the minds of millions.  “Indulgences prove corruption!” became a key Talking Point in Martin Luther’s Marketing Plan.

The Church could have bought printing presses.  It could have launched broadsides in reply, explaining that  “Indulgences let the poorest, with a prayer; along with those who could ccompany prayers with contributions, show their repentance and may lessen the punishment they will receive for their sins.”

There could have been an early “media war” between Catholic and Protestant printing presses.

There was not.

Instead, The Church had a few debates, sent a few evangelistic priests to provide counter-balancing opinions, and that was it!  Really!  No press releases!  No printing presses!  No endless broadsides of invective and anger!  No pamphlets!  No notices pasted on walls!  Priests just continued saying Mass.  Faithful Catholics continued to attend.  Those whose vanity overpowered them joined the swarms of buzzing, bitter people who coalesced around the early Protestants’ Marketing Plans.

There were two reasons The Church did not issue a call to arms.  First, “The Thousand Years” of “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Church over Christendom was over.  The “Catholic Kings” who’d ruled Europe were beginning to be deposed.  Fragmentation, disorder, and wars soon followed, replaced by socialist systems that enriched opportunists.   The prophecies of Rev. 20 were fulfilled when “The Thousand Year Reign” ended.  “The dragon would be released from the abyss” on schedule.  Thank you, Smarty Marty!

World Wars would follow.  Tens and tens of millions of native Americans would be exterminated by Protestant Imperialists.  Abortion would claim many more.  Why?

The “Thousand Year Reign” ended five hundred years ago, when Luther began to splinter and fragment The Only Church Jesus Founded.  So, The Church did not buy its own printing presses to wage an early media war.  The Church Jesus Founded knew that the dragon from the abyss was just another test of faith.

Many would fail.  They would be led away from the truth by the shrill, endless clamoring cries for “Freedom!”, and begin their happy march down the broad path, often speaking of “My personal relationship with Jesus.”

Today, The Church, still consistent, does not respond to the accusations against it.   The Church knows that, first of all, the devil has inserted Judases into its midst since its beginning.  The Church knows that it must obey God’s rules.  Jesus did not call His followers to arms, but went meekly to Crucifixion.  So, His Church does not battle with its destroyers.  Its faithful clergy and people simply continue, sailing serenely through the the crashing waves of turbulent seas.

The Church knows:  Every Judas has a job.   Every Judas helps winnow the less faithful Catholics, separating them into the 43,000 surrounding schisms that promise to be “The Real Doorway to Heaven”.

The Church knows that people forced into faith are not good Catholic.  There are many, many ways to winnow.  The wise shudder in horror at where self-righteousness leads many.  The winnowing continues.  The Church sails serenely on.
