How is Protestantism bi-polar?

11905384_427799720755207_7651436957325132376_n.jpg girl and JesusMental disorders come from the confusion caused by conflicting beliefs. “Bi-polar”, as did “Schizophrenia” before, describes the mental illness of those who try to base their lives on conflicting beliefs. How is Protestantism bi-polar?

Inevitably, the bi-polar nature of Protestantism makes the believer the equal of God. “God is good. God is great. So am I!” That is a pleasing delusion, and one for which many are willing to pay handsomely.

This vanity is enshrined: “I believe, so I will get to Heaven. Me ‘n God are all that count.”

For many in Protestantism, God gets in the way. “Jesus is not going to tell me what to do! I don’t care if He did tell us eighteen times to take Catholic Communion. He can say “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” fifty times! I don’t have to do that! I believe in the Essence of Jesus, and that is all I need to do to be saved.”

Soon, the winnowing.

Some are humble enough to obey that most bizarre of instructions: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” It is the Great Winnowing Instruction. It separates obedient sheep from willful goats. It divides wheat from weeds. The Living are separated from the dead.

In Catholicism, there is God, The Only Church He Founded, The Scripture that Catholic Saints spent centuries separating from the counterfeit scrolls, and the directions to Heaven. No Catholic would dare to assume something so self-serving as, “I believe so I am saved.”

It the bi-polar world of Protestantism, there is only the need to say “I believe.” There is no need to admit this truth: “God is greater than I and must be obeyed.”

Protestantism’s bi-polar basis is “God is great. I am, too. I follow God and self. Not necessarily in that order.” It is the road to disorder and death for individuals, families, and nations.
