Would Jesus be a Protestant or a Catholic?


A simple question:  Would Jesus be a Protestant or a Catholic?

Some say that Jesus would be a Catholic.  “Jesus believed in The Ten Commandments.  One of The Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill.”  Protestant denominations do not condemn abortion-inducing birth control.  Since Protestant denominations do not teach that it is wrong for parents to kill the tiniest of their own, unborn children, Jesus would be a Catholic.”

It is very hard to argue with that.

Catholics also know that Jesus said, “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”  Tiny, unborn children are our most helpless neighbors.   Would Jesus say, “It is okay for people to use abortion-inducing chemicals and implants to kill their closest neighbors.”?

Catholics think Jesus would encourage us to love and care for our children, not kill them.

Would Jesus be a Protestant or a Catholic?  Catholics say, “Jesus would be a Catholic.  He believed ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ and that we should ‘love our neighbors’.  Would Jesus be in a denomination that said it was all right to kill, rather than love, our own unborn children?”

There are 45,000 Protestant denominations.   Each was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.  Protestant denominations lack the courage to clearly condemn the use of abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants.

Even the married Protestant clergy are not told by superiors:  “You must set a Pro-Life example for your congregation.  It is wrong to use abortion-inducing birth control pills and implants that kill the tiniest of unborn babies.”

What would Jesus do?  Would Jesus be a Protestant or a Catholic?

It seems as if Jesus would be a Catholic.  Who could blame Him?

Once we reach that conclusion, what are we to do?  Should a person follow Jesus to The Only Church He Founded?  Or, should a person say, “I really don’t care what Jesus would do.  I would rather do as I please.”
