Moses and Mary are the Protestant dilemma.


Catholics explain.   Moses and Mary are the Protestant dilemma.   God’s messenger, The Archangel Gabriel, was clear when He appeared to her.  He said to Mary, “Hail, full of grace. . .”

Catholics believe that God knows what He is saying when He speaks.  He had Gabriel say “Full”“Full” means “Full”.  We imagine a glass of water that is “full”.  The water extends slightly over the top.  It holds every water molecule that it can because it is “full”.  One more water molecule, and it runs over.

Mary was “Full of grace”.  There was no room in Mary for anything except “grace”.  There could have been no room for sin.  Yet, Protestants often refuse to admit that Mary was Assumed into Heaven.

Moses and Mary are the Protestant dilemma.  Moses, and Elijah came down from Heaven.  They appeared to some of The Apostles when Jesus turned into light at The Transfiguration. 

Moses was never described as being “Full of grace”.  We know that Moses had disobeyed God’s command to merely speak to the rock instead of striking it with his staff.  He could not have been “full” of grace, though he had far, far more than most.

Protestants believe that Moses, despite his sin of disobedience did get into Heaven.  They think that Mary, whom God said was “Full of grace”, was not assumed into Heaven.

It is bad enough that Protestants will go to Judgment after willfully disregarding the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  

Since Moses, who was not full of grace, was taken to Heaven, Mary, who was “Full of grace”, must be in an even higher position!

Moses and Mary are the Protestant dilemma.
