“Where did all these bugs come from?”

We see the many million kinds of plants, animals, beetles, and butterflies and may ask:  “Where did all these bugs come from?”  The answer:  “Angels in The Prop Department.”  God made angels to help Him by making Props for The Set of The Big Movie.

At the beginning of a typical workday, The Prop Department Instructions include:

1.  Make your plants and animals look as if they ‘evolved’.  Maintain established patterns.  No fluorescent colors on the mammals.  No feathers on fish.  The human pseudo-intellectuals simply won’t know what to do!

2.  If you are going to make a new plant, no showing off!  Don’t do something clever by putting the leaves below ground and the roots above!   Please, do not invent plants that can walk, talk, or fly.  Keep your plants firmly rooted in the ground, except for the tumbleweeds.  No hands and no feet for plants.  If the humans start seeing dandelions playing jump-rope with morning-glory vines, it will confuse them.

3.  When making a new kind of fish, remember:  “No nose hairs!”

4.  Try to program the animals you’re inventing with things that simpler humans can say are “clues to the past”.  If you’re working on a new kind of whale, always stick something in that looks like hip sockets.  The pseudo-intellectual humans love repeating like parrots:  “This proves that evolution is real!”  They are so blinded by how bright they think they are they can’t see that we made the props the way The Producer wanted.

5.  Working on a bird?  Be sure to put scales on its legs!  He wants the pseudo-intellectuals to think they’re real smart by saying “Scales on bird legs prove that birds evolved from fish because feathers evolved from scales.”  Do NOT put hairs on their lower legs while you put scales all over the rest of them!  And, be sure the scales are always laying away from the nose.  If you don’t, it will be too confusing!

The instructions end with a warning:

“One of you guys put scales on the tails of some rodents!  That’s too confusing for them!  The Producer let it slide, this time, but no more showing off!   And, The Front Office saw in the Suggestion Box that one of you suggested that flocks of lightning bugs be programmed to spell out “The End is Near!” in bright lights on dark, summer nights.  That idea has been vetoed!”

Now, we can answer:  “Where did all these bugs come from?”  The Prop Department.




