Hard questions for Protestants:

Hard questions for Protestants:  “Is it better at Judgment to be an unbeliever or a Protestant?”  Many think that someone who says “I believe in Jesus!”  is more likely to get into Heaven than someone who does not believe in Jesus.

Consider a Pro-Life unbeliever who teaches “Abortion-inducing birth control is a great evil that causes billions of unborn babies to die.”

Compare that with a Protestant, even a real holy evangelical, who goes on and on and on about “My personal relationship with Jesus!”  while knowingly giving money to a denomination that is too afraid of losing donors to condemn abortion-inducing birth control.

At Judgment, which of the two is more likely to get into Heaven?


Hard questions for Protestants:   What if the evangelical was Baptized by Total Submersion in The River Jordan?  What if the baptizing minister was dressed like John The Baptist?  What if he or she said “I believe in Jesus!” at every opportunity?  What if they were really holy, and said “I believe in Jeee-sus!

Would that get his or her soul into Heaven despite giving money to a denomination that is too afraid of losing donors to clearly condemn abortion-inducing birth control?


Hard questions for Protestants:  Consider a person who knowingly tithes 10% of their income to a denomination that is too afraid of losing donors to condemn abortion-inducing birth control?   Does the bigger donation make it better or worse for him or her at Judgment?


Hard questions for Protestants:  “You know you are going to Judgment.  Isn’t it better to do what is necessary to gain access to “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus gave to one man, one time, in The Only Church He Founded by saying so clearly:

“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”?


The hardest question for Protestants:  “Why can’t you just stop disagreeing with Jesus and be Catholic?”
