we remember the children we never had

As we grow older, we remember the children we never had.  We didn’t want to be bothered.  So, we disobeyed God.  We refused to “be fruitful and multiply”.  We disobeyed “Thou shall not kill.”

Now, we are lonelier than we would have been. Our loneliness grows as we remember the children we never had.

And, we remember the children we never had with agony.  We killed some of them.  We killed children we never had with abortion-inducing birth control when they were as tiny as a grain of salt.

Many paid abortionists to kill their larger, unborn children.

As we remember the children we never had, their loss eats away at us.  “If I had only let one or two of them live, I would be happier today, with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

Soon, our tormented souls will go to Judgment.

Our soul will stand before The Judge. He will look off to our right.  There, sitting in the Jury Box, will be the immortal souls of billions of children who had been killed by their own parents.

Then, we will remember the children we never had.  We will see their souls.

They see our soul.  They know what we did to them.  They know what they could have been, if we had allowed them to live.

We will seem to stand there, forever, waiting for their verdict.

Some will have been blessed to have realized the wrong that we have done before our soul went to Judgment.

Some of our souls will have been blessed to have realized the enormity of our crime.  We will have sought forgiveness from the only men on earth to whom God said, “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Others will not have been so blessed.  They will have no escape from the martyred souls “crying out for vengeance”.

For eternity, we remember the children we never had.

