Catholics win the battle against common sense!

Catholics win the battle against common sense!

When Jesus multiplied a few loaves and fishes to feed 5,000 men and their families, He showed His power to program in three dimensions.  He was able to replicate the molecules of the bread and the fish.  From a few pounds of bread and fish, He provided tons of food!

People were impressed! “If He can multiply bread and fish, He can multiply clothing!  Money!  We will follow Him and He will provide for us!”   Their logical conclusion:  “We will follow Him!”

And, they did.  The crowd started to wonder when He began to say, in the last half of John, 6:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  That bothered them, but they were still so impressed by the Miracle of The Loaves and Fishes that they stayed with Him.

After He repeated “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” for the twelfth time, in John 6:66, they could no longer follow Him.  His instruction was in complete violation of Jewish Dietary Law!  It violated Common Sense!  The Miracle of The Loaves and Fishes was forgotten.  “This is hard!”, the First Protestants said.

All but the Disciples left.  Those who worship Common Sense leave Him in every generation.  “That Catholic Communion is too much!  Even Jesus did not have The Power to Decree a Church into Being that has The Power to ordain priests who can preside over the changing of bread and wine into His Actual Body and Blood!”

Today, His obedient sheep understand better than previous generations.  “Jesus showed Programming Power that could replicate a few pounds of food into tons of food!  Therefore, Jesus could bring into being whatever He wants!”

Those who respect Jesus enough to be in The Only Church He Founded are able to receive His Actual Body and Blood in every Catholic Communion since The Last Supper.

In every generation, Protestants can’t believe that!  They still say the same thing:  “This is hard!” Semi-believing Protestants still reject “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics win the battle against common sense!


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