Catholics find food for our souls.

I recently went through several months of stressful negotiations. As soon as they were concluded, I came down with shingles. It is a stress-induced disease that attacks the nervous system.

Sleep was impossible. Night after night, pounding headaches kept me awake. At least one tiny network of nerves on the upper right side of my brain was painfully inflamed.

Suddenly, I was reading e-mail messages that I had written five years earlier. They were there, in my brain, in perfect clarity.

My thoughts, words, and deeds had been stored in my brain’s memory molecules. It hit me: “Wow! At Judgment, all this is downloaded onto a microscopic flash drive and played back!”

We each have a spirit. It is like a librarian. It travels through the miles of memories that we write on the electrons in the molecules in our minds.

Our soul guides our spirit. If we are blessed, our soul guides us to Catholic Communion. There, we are able to download the Holy Electrons provided by The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Catholics find food for our souls.

That Holy Food is so important that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us, fourteen times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics receive That Holy Food. Our souls grow! Catholic souls are nourished by The Body and Blood of Jesus.

What of the souls of those who willfully choose to reject That Holy Food? They have willfully disobeyed the Holy Instruction of Jesus! They have renounced what He told us more often than anything: “If you do not eat My body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics find food for ours souls. Protestants have chosen to let their souls starve. They have let their disobedience keep them from being blessed to forever be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”
